Published: 27 July, 2024

Efforts to raise awareness of Hepatitis C and improve public health were the focal points of a recent event in central Manchester.

Chloe Carey and Tobi Edewusi, trainee nurse associates at gtd healthcare, supported North Manchester General Hospital’s hepatitis team on Market Street to test people for Hepatitis C and promote early detection and prevention.

Chloe said a key part of the event was to engage with people as they were passing the stand to draw them in and educate them about Hepatitis C.

“We knew that we’d be meeting a number of homeless people so we pre-prepared hygiene packs, which were donated by gtd staff and the organisation donated £100 to purchase items,” she said.

“We coincided the event with World Hepatitis Day. Our aim was to conduct Hepatitis C tests, speak with people about the risks of the disease, discuss actions to prevent its spread and encourage positive patients to start treatment.”

North Manchester General Hospital’s hepatitis team has praised Chloe and Tobi for their positive contributions:

“We would like to say a special thank you to Chloe Carey and Tobi Edewusi, trainee nurse associates from gtd healthcare, who came along to support us during the event.

"Throughout the day they were assisting in testing as well as talking and encouraging people to be tested and handing out incentives. The event was much busier than we could have expected so we were very grateful for their help.

"Also, we were very impressed by their knowledge and skills. Both girls showed great professionalism throughout the day and were very willing to learn new skills. They were a great asset to our team that day. Thank you and good luck with the rest of your training. Thanks again to gtd healthcare for your donations and kindness.”

A number of organisations including Change Grow Live and Cold Hands Warm Heart participated in the campaign, which demonstrated a collaborative multiagency approach to health promotion and awareness.