gtd healthcare is at the forefront of developing and delivering innovative healthcare services.
Our dynamic, multidisciplinary team approach, outstanding leadership and working in partnership with clinical commissioning groups, hospital trusts and other healthcare providers, has led to innovations in care and delivering the best possible patient outcomes.
Examples of gtd healthcare’s innovative services
gtd healthcare is at the forefront of developing and delivering innovative healthcare services. Our dynamic, multidisciplinary team approach, outstanding leadership and working in partnership with clinical commissioning groups, hospital trusts and other healthcare providers, has led to innovations in care and delivering the best possible patient outcomes.
Exmaples of innovative services have been showcased at the 2024 Quality Improvement Awards; the submissions can be viewed here.
Clinical Hub
Based at gtd healthcare’s head office, the Clinical Hub operates 24 hours a day, seven-days-a-week and offers numerous opportunities for clinicians while working on shift as they are able to work across all work-streams, while being exposed to new ways of working. Working from the Clinical Hub promotes innovation as opportunities to expand knowledge, increase skills and experience a wide variety of working environments is extensively encouraged.
Our people who work within the Clinical Hub manage a variety of patient flows and clinical assessments, undertaking telephone consultations and face-to-face consultations, and being connected to modern technology to enable a variety of consultation options, for example, within a home, via Skype.
Services that are managed within the Clinical Hub, include:
- Alternative to Transfer;
- Acute Priority Assessment Service;
- Special Allocation Schemes;
- Sexual Assault Response Service;
- Acute Visiting Services;
- Healthcare Professional Line;
- Cover for GP practice half-day closures.
Saint Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre and SAFEPLace Merseyside
gtd healthcare is proud to be supporting a sexual assault referral service. The organisation is working in partnership with *Saint Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) and *SAFE Place Merseyside to deliver an improved service to support a vulnerable client group.
Senior care co-ordinators are providing an out-of-hours telephone service for SARC and SAFE PLace Merseyside, obtaining client names and numbers to pass to the on-call crisis worker verbally. The service replaces the previous voicemail message and is reducing the number of clients who terminate the call before leaving a message.
*Saint Mary’s Centre offers forensic medical examinations, support from Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and counselling to men, women and children who live or have been raped or sexually assaulted in Greater Manchester, Cheshire and High Peak or Derbyshire.
*SAFE Place Merseyside offers forensic medical examinations to adults and young people aged 16 years and above who live or have been raped or sexually assaulted in Merseyside.
Proactive Primary Care and Pharmacy/Medicines Optimisation Support Service
The Proactive Primary Care (PPC) Service aims to provide enhanced services for North Manchester care home residents by implementing active care planning and medicines management. The PPC Service is commissioned by Greater Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) and is delivered by gtd healthcare.
gtd healthcare’s clinical team focus on providing high quality proactive primary care services. They work closely with care home staff, GPs and healthcare professionals already involved in residents’ care, and work in partnership with MHCC pharmacists who deliver the medicines optimisation element.
To qualify for the service, residents who meet a set criteria, including being registered with a North Manchester GP practice, will be individually reviewed and a proactive care plan will be completed in due course. The aim of the service is to ensure that the care provided is proactive, urgent care and GP services are utilised appropriately, unplanned admissions are reduced, medicines management is safer and communications between services are improved.
Feedback on the service includes:
“The benefits to the care home residents have been huge and the service I feel is just what residential care homes need to ensure that all residents’ health issues are picked up quickly.”
“Your service provides an important link between the care home and the GP and this has helped to resolve many issues. Staff would otherwise have to contact the GP or the resident would have ended-up being admitted to hospital when this is unnecessary.”
“Residents’ concerns are dealt with quickly and efficiently and where possible advice has been given to staff to support them in their role and improve their knowledge.”
“The professionals who have attended the home each week and are now doing the ward rounds are professional and so helpful. In my opinion this service is invaluable on so many levels and I hope it continues.”
Special Allocation Scheme
gtd healthcare works with integrated care boards to operate a service specifically for patients who have been identified by their GP practice as being violent. This includes showing actual or threatened physical or verbal abuse towards a member of staff or other patients.
The purpose of the scheme is to: ensure GPs, their staff, patients and their carers deliver and receive services without the threat or occurrence of violence; provide patients with a stable environment where they can continue to access healthcare services; and ensure aggressive or disruptive behaviour is addressed.
Patients who have shown violent or aggressive behaviour towards a member of staff at their registered GP practice are subject to immediate removal from the practice list.
It is important that GP practices provide a safe environment for all patients as violent or aggressive behaviour compromises the delivery and quality of healthcare services.