What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding refers to the actions taken to promote the welfare of children, young people and adults to protect them from harm. It is important for everyone to work together to keep patients safe.
Safeguarding at gtd healthcare
At gtd healthcare, we take our responsibility to look after the welfare of our patients seriously, ensuring they feel safe and protected while accessing our services. We have a dedicated safeguarding team that provides support, advice and training to staff on recognising patients at-risk and supporting those who are vulnerable and have care needs. We work closely with other agencies, such as social services, health visiting teams, school health teams and the police to ensure patient safety.
If safeguarding concerns are raised while using our services, we have a legal duty to report these concerns to the necessary agencies. We understand that it can be upsetting to have concerns about your or a family member's safety and wellbeing. Our staff will always strive to work in partnership with patients, parents, guardians and carers to offer advice and support. We may need to share your information with other agencies, and we will seek your consent beforehand. However, there are times when your consent is not legally needed as the law permits us to share certain information in a patient's best interest.
If you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child, young person or adult, please contact gtd healthcare’s safeguarding team at 0161 337 2254 or gtd.safeguarding@nhs.net.
If you are concerned that someone is at risk of abuse or neglect, please report this immediately to the local social work team. Details of your local social work team can be found on your council's website.
If someone is in immediate danger, please call 999. If a crime has been committed, but there is no immediate risk, please call 101.