We want to hear from you

Patient feedback is extremely valuable and is used to try and continuously improve services across all the areas we operate. Examples of how we have acted on patient feedback is available here.

We provide a number of different ways for our patients and families to provide their feedback.

Have your say via:

Please note, we do not monitor feedback left via Google Reviews.

Join the Patient Participation GroupProof 01 TFC-2356 GTD Revision Posters - Join your PPG (TFC-111)_Hattersley.jpg

We are looking for new members to join the Patient Participation Group.

Hattersley Group Practice's Patient Participation Group works with the GPs and practice staff to improve services and promote health in the local community. The aim of the Patient Participation Group is to ensure patients have an opportunity to provide feedback on the services we provide. Your views can make a valuable contribution towards the way we run our services.

Our meetings take place on the last Friday of every month at 2pm.

For more information, please speak to a member of the reception team or contact the practice.

Click here to register your interest.

To download or view the Patient Participation Group poster, please click here.

Patient Participation Group: Meeting notes

Join Hattersley Health Champions!

Hattersley Group Practice has been selected to participate in the All Together Better programme, which is funded by Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group and Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care Foundation Trust (ICFT).

The programme aims to create collaboration between those working in health services and people from local communities. The model invites patients to gift their time as health champions, working alongside health professionals to reshape services at Hattersley Group Practice. This opens up a range of new possibilities and helps services offer new, innovative activities and support.

For further information, please email Jayne Britton, practice manager, via jayne.britton@nhs.net or speak to a member of the reception team.