From March 2025, all practice requests, including appointments and administrative requests such as fit notes, will be processed through the new Patchs Health system. The system is an online form that asks patients to provide details about their request, which a GP will review based on medical urgency. This ensures that patients receive the right care, at the right time, from the right professional.

The new system is designed to reduce wait times on the phone or in the practice by making it easier to submit requests.

How your request will be processed

The Patchs Health system asks patients to provide information about their request. Once the request has been submitted, a GP will review the request and decide:

  • if an appointment is needed and when;
  • the most appropriate clinician to see;
  • whether advice or referral to another service is more suitable.

You will then be contacted within 48 hours.

To help us ensure you receive the right care, at the right time by the right professional, please complete the form with as much detail as possible. If you are unable to complete the form online, you can call or visit the practice in person and a member of our reception team will support you.

How to request an appointment

There are three ways you can request an appointment:

  • Online via the NHS app.
  • The appointments page on our website.
  • Phoning the practice.

All requests, whether online, via phone or in person will all go through the new system.

Form opening times

The form is accessible during our practice opening hours. We will monitor the form based on demand and capacity to ensure we are operating at safe levels.

  • For urgent medical issues outside of these hours, please call the practice or NHS 111.
  • Administrative queries, for example, fit notes, repeat prescriptions and test results, can be submitted 24/7.
Why this change is beneficial

We know that change can be difficult sometimes, however, we are confident that the new system will bring many benefits to our patients.

  • This system has been shown to reduce waiting times and enable medical needs to be addressed more promptly.
  • Patients will be seen by the right clinician at the right time.
  • Improved communication and assurance that you will see the most appropriate professional for your needs.
  • Less frustration with phone queues, as fewer patients will need to call at 8am to book an appointment.

Thank you in advance for your support during this transition. Once the new system is in place we will ask for your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of the practice team who is there to support you.

Frequently asked questions